Voice Over for Small Business

A Simple and Effective Way to Grow Your Brand

Sonic Branding: In an increasingly inauthentic world, voice over services will elevate your brand’s presence, engage and retain your clients and can even lower your labor costs! Let me help you present your products and services with warmth, professionalism and clarity. I provide everything from video narration and explainers to phone greetings, on-hold messages, social media, and expert consulting. I also have some in-house production options to make getting started easy and discounted packages designed with your business in mind. My pricing is transparent; my turnaround time is fast and reliable. 

Business Narration Demo:

Telephony Demo:

Individual Services - À La Carte

Includes Pricing and Detailed Explainations

This is essentially any phone recordings related to directing and informing callers, including things like voicemail greetings, IVR, Out-Of-Office responses, and business hours. IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems automate call management by presenting callers with pre-recorded voice prompts and menu options, allowing them to navigate through various service or departmental choices. 

Each recording is defined as a “prompt,” and essentially everywhere you would need an individual recording would involve its own prompt. 

A separate session fee is required for recordings happening at different times, as they require more time and work on my end to set everything up and ensure the recordings are all mastered correctly. It is recommended to send all the prompts to be recorded in a single session or to look into a Telephony Subscription if it is likely you will have frequent updates to your system.

$69 Session Fee plus $5 per additional Prompt

Annual Usage Fee:
$5 plus $0.50 per prompt

This service falls under the category of “telephony” in the world of voice over for small business. All telephony recorded in the same session qualifies for a single session fee. 


Sometimes referred to as “Message On Hold” (MOH), these recordings operate almost as little advertisements that play while the caller is on hold. They average about 15-30 seconds in length, can play over the hold music or interject between it. Anything and everything you want your caller to learn about your company and offerings can be made into an OHM, and it is one of the cheapest forms of advertisement. It is often stated that “your existing customers are your best customers” and OHMs are an incredibly efficient way to get existing customers excited about a new product or service.

Each recording is defined as a “prompt,” and essentially everywhere you would need an individual recording would involve its own prompt. 

A separate session fee is required for recordings happening at different times, as they require more time and work on my end to set everything up and ensure the recordings are all mastered correctly. It is recommended to send all the prompts to be recorded in a single session or to look into a Telephony Subscription if it is likely you will have frequent updates to your system.

$69 Session Fee plus $5 per additional Prompt

Annual Usage Fee:
$5 plus $0.50 per prompt

This service falls under the category of “telephony” in the world of voice over for small business. All telephony recorded in the same session qualifies for a single session fee. 


Includes the script writing for any and all desired telephony prompts. I have extensive industry experience and can write for your company in a way that sounds both natural to the platform, yet original. One additional benefit is I can phrase the script in a way that is both unique to your business and authentic to me, creating an incredibly natural-sounding read. 

All scripts will be sent to you for approval and edits before recording.

Price: $25 Session Fee plus $5 per additional Prompt

This service falls under the category of “telephony” in the world of voice over for small business.


Quality organic social media videos are quickly becoming one of the most impactful areas of marketing. Adding a professional small business voice over to your videos will make your content stand out and drive up engagement.

This service includes for any organic (not used in paid placement) social media video that is 30 seconds or less. These videos are generally focused on quick, attention grabbing videos, looping to increase views, and fast, exciting videos people want to watch multiple times over.

If desired, I will mix the voiceover with the video at no additional cost. At this time I do not offer video production or copywriting for social media, though I may in the future if there is enough interest.

Stylistically, this is incredibly open-ended. It can be an alternative to the built-in AI voiceover, introducing the topic of the video, narrating the text in the videos, conversing with an actor on camera, character voices, whatever creatively makes sense for your brand. I can also apply a variety of effects to my voice for additional unique options to help your brand stand out.

I am available for consulting (see “Make The Most of Your VO” below), to help you find what social media voice overs would best suit your business.

Usage on one platform is included in the voice over cost, with additional platform usage available and can be purchased at any time. Platforms options include Instagram, Twitter/X, Threads, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube Shorts, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, Tumblr, and others.

Price: $50 plus $15 per additional platform
Annual Usage Fee: $5 plus $2 per platform

Organic Social Media Voice Over currently falls under “non-broadcast” in the world of voice over for small business. However, due to the relatively new nature of this service and how much it is evolving, I believe it will soon be its own category.


Quality organic social media videos are quickly becoming one of the most impactful areas of marketing. Adding a professional small business voice over to your videos will make your content stand out and drive up engagement.

This service includes for any organic (not used in paid placement) social media video that is 30 seconds to 60 seconds. These videos are generally more informative, may describe a product or service, and are geared towards keeping the viewer engaged for the duration of the video. 

If desired, I will mix the voiceover with the video at no additional cost. At this time I do not offer video production or copywriting for social media, though I may in the future if there is enough interest.

Stylistically, this is incredibly open-ended. It can be an alternative to the built-in AI voiceover, introducing the topic of the video, narrating the text in the videos, conversing with an actor on camera, character voices, whatever creatively makes sense for your brand. I can also apply a variety of effects to my voice for additional unique options to help your brand stand out.

I am available for consulting (see “Make The Most of Your VO” below), to help you find what social media voice overs would best suit your business.

Usage on one platform is included in the voice over cost, with additional platform usage available and can be purchased at any time. Platforms options include Instagram, Twitter/X, Threads, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube Shorts, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, Tumblr, and others.

Price: $85 plus $25 per additional platform
Annual Usage Fee: $8 plus $3 per platform

Organic Social Media Voice Over currently falls under “non-broadcast” in the world of voice over for small business. However, due to the relatively new nature of this service and how much it is evolving, I believe it will soon be its own category.


This is a fairly standard services for corporations, but small businesses can benefit from it as well. 
These are internal (inward-facing, meaning they aren’t available for the public, customers, or clients) videos that are generally only used once or twice. They are often directed towards shareholders, investors, and the like. 
If you want to elevate your business’s presentation at a conference or convention, this might be the perfect service for you!

Price: $350 for up to 2 minutes. $100 per additional minute

Corporate Narration falls under “non-broadcast” in the world of voice over for small business.


This is a a novel service that I am excited to pioneer! 

Add accessibility and engagement to your website by adding a voice over that will narrate the information on your website. This is especially effective for things like blog posts and pages with a large amount of text.

There are some accessibility services that already exist, providing robotic AI narration of on-screen text, but none (to my knowledge) that utilize professional narrators providing authentic, engaging accessibility and connection, aside from my services.

Stand out with this unique service, creating a sense of connection with your website visitors. When used in conjunction with other services such as telephony and landing page videos, we can establish a distinct and recognizable voice for for your business and brand!

Price: $0.15 per word
Annual Usage Fee: 5% of total cost

As this service is unique, there is no true category for it. I am considering it a blend of e-learning and audiobooks. 

The entire point of these services is to help your businesses flourish and get an incredible return on investment! If you feel, after the free 15 minute consultation, you would like more one-on-one time to discuss not only what services are best for your business, but how to utilize them most effectively to drive revenue, this is the hour for you!

I will utilize my expertise in both voice acting and marketing to help you create a strategy to employ the services I provide in the way that works best for your business.

This service can also be used for social media brainstorming and planning in conjunction with your purchased Social Media VO Subscription or individual videos.

Price: $65 per hour


If your personality and voice are an integral part of your brand and messaging, and you may be inclined to do your own voice overs (and potentially a talking-head style video). 

I’m offering my trained expertise to direct you in your recording(s), and help you translate your authentic self and message into your intended format. 

It isn’t uncommon for the landing page video to feature professional voice over, then end with a 5-10 second talking-head clip of the business owner adding their own personal touch. This is also something we could work together on, to ensure that clip isn’t awkward and comes across authentically to your brand.

Take the guesswork out of your DIY (Do It Yourself) recordings with my professional direction for the non-voice actor!

Price: $150 per hour

This is what makes your website stand out, and gets your potential customers or clients excited about your product or service. This is the service the entire Voice Over for Small Business model was built out from.

Videos are by far the most effective form of marketing and messaging. According to a study by Wyzowl, a staggering 73% of consumers prefer to learn about a brand through video. Google also loves video content, and will generally rank you higher, giving you a nice boost in SEO.

Adding professional voice over to video makes the videos easier to understand, significantly more memorable, more shareable, and increases your conversion rate. It is also a great way to create brand recognition, as the more senses involved in processing information, the more likely we are to remember it. 

If your business strategy in any way involves driving potential consumers to your website, a well-narrated landing page video could easily make the difference in that consumer’s choice about your product or service. I can confidently predict a significant ROI in your decision to hire me to voice your landing page video.

Your landing page video should be about 90 seconds long, and cover all the essentials you want consumers to know in order to get excited about your business. It should drive them to either explore further to learn more about what you have to offer. It doesn’t explain everything about your product or service (that’s what the explainer videos are for).

All landing page videos include usage on the website and the business YouTube channel (as embedding the video on the webpage is the most common and generally recommended way to add the video). You can purchase usage on additional media if desired.

Price: $300 plus $100 per additional media usage (non-broadcast)
Annual Usage Fee: $20 plus $10 per additional media.

It is vital that the video script is written in a way that will both represent your business and messaging and also translate effectively to voice over. I have extensive industry experience and can write for your company in a way that sounds both natural to the platform, yet original. One additional benefit is I can phrase the script in a way that is both unique to your business and authentic to me, creating an incredibly natural-sounding read. 

All scripts will be sent to you for approval and edits before recording.

Price: $50


It is important that not only the voice over is correctly processed, but it is correctly processed in relation to the music you’ve selected. After that, the voice over and music need to be mixed together. For a professional sound, there are more adjustments than just lowering the music volume, and many subtleties that create a great mix.

Mastering will polish the audio as a whole and make your video professional and complete. 

I am not an audio engineer, but I have fortunately developed the specific skillsets involved with mixing and mastering voice overs with music. I lean on not only my voice over industry experience, but also my experience and training as a musician and working with a variety of recording engineers. 

If your landing page video has many musical shifts and variation, there may be additional costs involved, as that is a much more involved mixing & mastering process.

Price: $75


This service includes the arrangement and production of chosen footage, logos, and text into a visually stimulating brand video. 

I am self-taught in video production, and am an affordable alternative for businesses who would prefer to have everything done in-house. I produced every video on this website, and take pride in producing professional-quality content.

This service includes pre-production, storyboarding, arrangement, and colorization. 

It does not include filming of any kind or animation.  

Price: $650

This is the opportunity to clearly describe how your product or service works. These videos are great for showing prospective consumers how effective your product or service is. Product demonstrations, virtual walk-throughs, whiteboard animations, other animations, screen casts, are some examples of effective explainer videos styles.

According to a study by Wyzowl, a staggering 73% of consumers prefer to learn about a brand through video. A clear video will encourage new consumers and increase retention and satisfaction from existing consumers. Google also loves video content, and will generally rank you higher, giving you a nice boost in SEO.

A professional, experienced small business voice over actor will bring your video to life, connect with your audience, and add value and memorability to your brand.

Price: $250 for 60 seconds plus $100 per additional minute

Annual Usage Fee: $15 plus $7 per minute
All explainer videos include usage on the website and the business YouTube channel (as embedding the video on the webpage is the most common and generally recommended way to add the video). You can purchase usage on additional media if desired for $100 per media with an additional annual usage fee of $10 per media.


It is vital that the video script is written in a way that will both represent your business and messaging and also translate effectively to voice over. I have extensive industry experience and can write for your company in a way that sounds both natural to the platform, yet original. One additional benefit is I can phrase the script in a way that is both unique to your business and authentic to me, creating an incredibly natural-sounding read. 

All scripts will be sent to you for approval and edits before recording.

Price: $45 plus $15 per additional minute

It is important that not only the voice over is correctly processed, but it is correctly processed in relation to the music you’ve selected. After that, the voice over and music need to be mixed together. For a professional sound, there are more adjustments than just lowering the music volume, and many subtleties that create a great mix.

Mastering will polish the audio as a whole and make your video professional and complete. 

I am not an audio engineer, but I have fortunately developed the specific skillsets involved with mixing and mastering voice overs with music. I lean on not only my voice over industry experience, but also my experience and training as a musician and working with a variety of recording engineers. 

If your explainer video has many musical shifts and variation, there may be additional costs involved, as that is a much more involved mixing & mastering process.

Price: $75

This service includes the arrangement and production of chosen footage, logos, and text into a visually stimulating brand video. 

I am self-taught in video production, and am an affordable alternative for businesses who would prefer to have everything done in-house. I produced every video on this website, and take pride in producing professional-quality content.

This service includes pre-production, storyboarding, arrangement, and colorization. 

It does not include filming of any kind. It can involve some very basic whiteboard text animation. 

Price: $500 plus $150 per minute

Internal training videos fall under the e-learning category for small business voice overs. These videos are designed to impart knowledge, skills, and information relevant to the company’s operations, policies, procedures, products, or services. They are typically accessible online through e-learning platforms or intranet portals, providing employees with a convenient and engaging way to learn and enhance their job performance.

Price: $34 per finished minute

Annual Usage Fee: $2 per finished minute

Broadcast or paid advertisements includes any form of paid placement. This includes TV, Radio and Digital broadcasts. Digital broadcast is sometimes referred to as “OTT” and includes any advertisements on social media, YouTube, streaming services such as Hulu, et cetera. 

Rates for broadcast usage are based on three things: length of the spot (recording), the market usage (local, regional, national), and the intended usage length (generally 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year).

Existing voice overs or social media videos may be renegotiated to be repurposed for paid placement, but be aware that is a very different usage than non-broadcast.

Rates will vary significantly depending on the project, but if you are interested, the general market rates for hiring a voice actor for broadcast work can be found here: https://globalvoiceacademy.com/gvaa-rate-guide-2/

Use this “menu” to find add-ons for your package or pick and choose what suits your business!
If you are interested in a number of services that don’t match an existing package, reach out and we can discuss creating a “custom package” just for you!
Please reach out if you have any questions to peter@peterreinvo.com


Make Your Business More Memorable and Marketable with a Unified Voice!

Economic Package

Package Includes:
  • Answering Service
    • Plus 2 IVR Prompts
  • Landing Page Video Narration
    • Standard Usage
  • 60 minute “Make the Most of Your VO” Consulting Session
  • No usage fees for the first year

$444 Value!

In-House Package

Package Includes:
  • Answering Service
    • Plus 2 IVR Prompts
    • Copywriting
  • On Hold Message (OHM)
    • 3 Prompts
    • Copywriting
  • Landing Page Video FULL PRODUCTION
    • Voice Over
    • Copywriting
    • Video Production
    • Mixing/Mastering
  • 60 minute “Make the Most of Your VO” Consulting Session
  • No usage fees for the first year

$1,259 Value!

Entrepreneur Package

Package Includes:
  • Answering Service
    • Plus 8 IVR Prompts
  • On Hold Message (OHM)
    • Plus 6 Prompts
  • Landing Page Video Narration
    • Standard Usage
  • (2) Two-minute Explainer Videos
    • Can function as any internal website videos
  • (5) 30-Second Social Media VOs
    • Three Platform Usage included
  • (2) 60-Second Social Media VOs
    • Three Platform Usage included
  • 60 minute “Make the Most of Your VO” Consulting Session
  • No usage fees for the first year

$1,966 Value!

Corporate or Custom

Corporate Packages:
  • If your business is too big to be small business, but you are still interested in these services, let’s TALK! Corporate services and prices may differ due to scale, so let’s have a conversation about what will be best for your business.
Custom Packages:
  • If you’d like to piece something together for yourself using the A La Carte menu below, let’s chat! We can most likely make something work at a price that fits your budget


About Pricing and Usage Fees

In general, the cost of a voice over (at the professional level) is based on the number of people who will hear the voice over, rather than the physical time it takes to record it. This is similar to other industries that scale based on viewership, such as advertising and film. The cost is primarily based on where the voiceover will be located (virtually and physically), how long it will be in use, and how long the recording itself is.

What I offer is unique. My prices for small businesses are clear and available, no guesswork involved. My prices are below the market standard, specifically to support small businesses, and I have many packages and bundling discounts available, as well as subscriptions. 

What is the “Annual Usage Fee” and why is it there? In the modern digital climate, it is actually dangerous for voice actors to sell their voice services “in perpetuity” without intense and litigious contracts that may actually be limiting for both the actor and the client. A nominal usage fee creates clear expectations, gives me the freedom to keep my prices affordable, and actually improves the client/artist relationship. 



Telephony includes your answering service, interactive voice response (IVR) or automated attendant (AA), and on-hold messages. If your small business frequently receives calls, it could benefit from professional telephony to improve your customer relations and utilize hold time for marketing!

The biggest benefit of the subscription is you never pay the normal $69 session fee. You request the recording whenever you want, and have it within 24 hours! In addition, the annual usage fees are waived so long as you are subscribed.

Additional prompts cost $20 each

Relevancy Tier

This is for the business who wants to update their answering service for holiday hours, or occasionally showcase a new offering!

 Includes one (1) prompt per month. 
(Optional) Add copywriting for an additional $5 per month.

Subscription Value: $69 a month


*Paid annually. $29/Month monthly
6 month minimum subscription

Growth Tier

This is for the business who is growing and has enough people on hold that they could benefit from rotating On Hold Messages to showcase new services and offerings.

 Includes three (3) prompts per month. 
(Optional) Add copywriting for an additional $12 per month.

Subscription Value: $93-$207 a month (value varies based on number of separate sessions)


*Paid annually. $49/Month monthly
6 month minimum subscription

Network Tier

This is for the business who knows they have a frequent need to update not only their On Hold Messages, but also their IVR. They frequently field calls to a number of staff, and are likely a small business that operates primarily via phone.

 Includes six (6) prompts per month. 
(Optional) Add copywriting for an additional $23 per month.

 Subscription Value: $129-$414 a month (value varies based on number of separate sessions)

*Paid annually. $79/Month monthly
6 month minimum subscription


There are few things more prevalent in our world today than social media, and organic (non-paid) videos is one of the best ways for small businesses to market themselves. This subscription gives your business the opportunity to add a personal-yet-professional touch to your videos/reels to drive engagement up, and in turn, sales.

Top-of-Mind Tier

This is likely for the business that uses social media to generally stay relevant with their potential customers/clients. It may not be a major focus, but it is still an essential aspect of your outreach. 

Includes up to 3 videos per month, maximum one 60 second video, and usage on up to three platforms.

Annual usage fees are waived while subscribed.

Subscription Value: $295 a month

*Paid annually. $129/Month monthly
6 month minimum subscription

Influence Tier

This is likely for the business who already has a flourishing social media presence and are looking to add a consistent voice to add to their branding and messaging. 

Includes up to 12 videos per month, maximum five 60 second video, and usage on up to five platforms.


Annual usage fees are waived while subscribed.

Subscription Value: $1,920 a month

*Paid annually. $689/Month monthly
6 month minimum subscription

Savant Tier

This is likely for the business that has found success with one of the other tiers and wants to build on that, or a business who has had consistent, daily narrated videos using an artificial voice or borrowed audio, and wishes to upgrade.

Includes up to 30 videos per month, maximum ten 60 second video, and usage on up to ten platforms.

Annual usage fees are waived while subscribed.

Subscription Value: $6,800 a month

*Paid annually. $1,789/Month monthly
6 month minimum subscription

Partners & Resources

(If you’d like to use one of these, let me know so I can make the connection. I might be able to get you a discount or deal!)

Business Phone Services:

 Contact me for connection


Brand Marketing:

 LAPRIS Brand Marketing

Custom Brand Music:

Business Services:

 HRFE Human Resource for Hire

Interested in becoming a referral partner? Send me an email at peter@peterreinvo.com and let’s TALK!

Let's Take Your Business To The Next Level!